I visited Recoleta Cementerio. This is South America's most famous cemetery. Upon entering I was impressed by the grandure and size of the tombs. Most of them are family tombs, so that more then one generation is buried within.
Have a look at the photos and see what you think.
.... I found many wondering cats in the cemetary. Somebody seems to be looking out for them as cat food and water are left out in little plates all around the area. Interesting...
The cemetery is 10 acres in size. It contains 1000 tombs, and it is completely full. There are no space to increase, and that the only way to buy a plot for your family is off an existing family whom cannot afford to maintain their tombs.
The irony about the Recoleta Cemetery is that it is surrounded by shops, cinemas, night clubs, cafes and restaurants. It cracks me up as I wonder what the original planners would have thought of all this!
Here is a classic shot of the cemetery with McD's billboard behind!
And finally, not forgetting the most famous person in this cemetery. Evita Peron. Anybody who watched Madonna in that Hollywood film will not all about her. Every person in Argentina look to her like their Princess Diana. She was charming, she was beautiful and she held much influences amongst the people being the wife of a president.
Unfortunately she died age 33 of cancer back in 1952. Her tomb was actually in Spain, before being bought back to Buenos Aires in 2000.
More info on Evita here in wiki.
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