
Friday, 15 February 2008

Flight Delayed

Crap-lolina Argentina has done it again!

Due to a 2 days pilot strikes my return flight home has been delayed for 2 days. So now I will be arriving home on Tuesday morning instead of Sunday.

But at least I got my dream finish. :)

After much complain - that I have no more money left, that I am going back to work and that I want compensation dammit! They have put me up in a classy hotel (which I checked out beforehand!), along with my own room I got air-con, private bathroom, cable TV, gym, sauna and with all meals included.

Wh00p Wh00p!

Note: I am only being put in a 3 star hotel... boo hoo! It is called the Hotel Presidente. Sounds very flash. Actually I can't complain as I did view the room and am pretty stoke with the luxury. I am just a dirty old backpacker remember! haha!

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