
Friday, 18 January 2008

Antarctica Tourism Office

Being in the Southern most city in the world, I decided to visit their Antarctica Tourist Office.

I wanted to find out more about the ice continent. The office had a load of broaches on Antarctica, postcard for sell, play-stamps to add to your passport, and a giant TV with a film which shows tourist what they would expect to see on a cruise. For me this is the next best thing to getting on one! LOL! And maaan... The scenery is amazing! Floating ice bergs, gigantic glaciers, blinding white snow, colourful sun sets and tons of animals; seals, sea lions, whales, penguins and many species of birds. They also reveal some interesting information for me, such as last year 30,000 tourist visited the ice continent. 30,000 visitors!!!

There are many departure to the ice continent from Ushuaia at this time of the year. In fact, we are right in the middle of cruising season as it runs from November to March. Today, there is a boat called the "Explorer" docked and about to depart for Antarctica. I see a bunch of oldies in town today too and for sure they disembarked from the "Explorer" earlier.

Being a mere 1188 km away, Ushuaia *is* the number 1 departure point for Antarctica, accounting for 83% of total departures. The rest? As the photo shows... New Zealand is 2200 km away, Australia is 2600 km away and South Africa is 4200 km away.

So, I had to find out the cost! I visited a "Last Minute Deal" travel agency to get the price. And so on the 31st Jan the boat "Polaris" is leaving on a 10 days cruise, whilst on the 5th Feb the boat "Andrea" leaves. The cost is 4500 USD, or 4150 USD if I paid in cash.

It is so easy, I tell myself... To just say "Lets do something fuckin' crazy!", or "Why not? It's only money!"

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