
Friday, 31 August 2007

Police van in Aguas Caliente

How fuckin cool is this combi? It´s been converted, and sits on the rails in Aguas Caliente, the town of Machu Picchu. And this baby truely works! I saw it move and it´s flash lights going off whilst in town.


Anonymous said...

Hey Ben..

i've been a regular and keen reader of your blog. I keep saying to myself how chicken shit i am after reading your adventure.. hehe. Never thought of doing the things you do in the condition you're in.. hot.. cold.. long long walk, etc. your experience has been mind-blowing and quite educational too! keep updating your blog.. i love reading it! Sugi loves the combi, it really exists.. that's real cool! Well, have a safe trip! Auckland misses u -Yoana-

Ben Woo said...

Heheheheh yeah that Combi photo was for my ex-collegue to see coz he´s in love with Combi´s.

Thanks for the comments. Will definately post more and keep all up to date with my adventures.

As for Auckland, I miss it too! Hope you and Sugi and the upcoming little one are safe and well. :)