
Friday, 31 August 2007

And the new 7th Wonder is...

Check this out... This is THE Internet survey for the world´s newest 7th wonder. I only stumble upon this because the site is plastered all over Cuzco as they are pretty damn proud that Machu Picchu was voted in to the top spot!

Check it


After accessing the site I could not believe Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro made it in! I mean, for God sake this statue was only built in the last 50 years!!! To me, this was truly an Internet popular contest, and the votes only came from the amount of publicity it generated in their respective countries. I never even heard of this stupid contest before arriving in Cuzco! Otherwise I would have nominated the Auckland Harbour Bridge. :b

Anyway, Wikipedia (as usual) has more to add to this. Click below to read more...

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