I have made it into Brazil, after leaving Venezuela a day ago.
Coming into Brazil has been a bit of a shock, on the $$$ side of things. As this is the most expensive country in South America. And don't you know it!
I mean... my 13 hours night bus cost USD48! This compare to me paying around 1USD an hour on bus rides in Venezuela and 2USD an hour on bus rides in Colombia! Also, accommodation at my hostel cost 11USD a night. And that is in a 8 person dorm!
But I did expect this, so am prepare to bite the cost and carry on with me travels. :)
I am now in the city of Manaus, in the middle of the Amazon region. This city was once known as the Paris of the South America. Thanks to it's massive rubber boom in the late 1800's and early 1900's. So many massive and rich looking buildings were built. The highlight includes the Theater, the floating platform out on the docks and the market. However most of the other buildings are now in a sorry looking state. Something which can definitely be done about once more money pours in.
It is pretty surreal though, as at the river mouth there is a HUGE German ocean going cruise ship, which has entered the Amazon river and is now dock at Manaus's floating platform.
Tomorrow, I will be on a smaller cruise... a tiny boat, compare to the German cruise ship. And I will be making my way out of the Amazon river, out to the sea, to the big city of Belem. I am sleeping in "reed" class, meaning... I will be packing a hammock for the 4-5 days cruise.
are you taking your banana hammock, your budgie smuglers?
Should fit in quite well in Brazil!
Hi Ben, good to see you moving on and still travelling. Brazil is a pretty large place and Tiffany (she was in Bolivia) is also there but in a place called Maceio (or something like that) near Recife in the NE. Apparently it is gorgeous there. It is cold here at the moment and everyone is getting ready for Christmas. Where will you be? I love your site and all the things you write about it is very interesting. Do email soon. love and kisses Scholl Buddy aka mummy
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