
Thursday, 5 July 2007

Day 2 Cost

420 pesos 1.5 litre water
180 pesos bananas
8000 pesos Accomodation
2090 pesos KFC lunch
1000 pesos Visit to Pablo Neruda´s house
400 pesos Municipalidad de Santiago
300 pesos Bellas Artes
3200 pesos Domino dinner
15590 pesos


Anonymous said...

mate you are overspending. at this rate, you should rename your blog to 25usd. time to buy that loaf of bread and a tub of marmite. show me the photos!

Ben Woo said...

HAHAHHAHAHA true true! Wait till you see today´s spending! It is bloody hard to keep it under 20usd here in Chile. I think that is why I don´t see too many Israeli´s backpackers here hahahahaha!

But seriously, I am not too worried as yet as I will manage to average it out when I get to the cheaper countries ie Bolivia!

Anonymous said...
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shane's stuck @ work! said...

@ todays rates thats around $29USD or $38NZD...gee woobe you'll have to pimp yourself out by next week...ease up on the KFC you're get fat...LOL

shane's stuck @ work! said...

LOL just realised you need to approve my comments...ignore the first 3??? LOL

Ben Woo said...

LOL can´t help being a bloody Maori when I see KFC bro! hahahahaha